…for an overwhelming response to annual fundraising effort
The spirit of generosity remains high among Canadian Anglicans as the Anglican Foundation of Canada thanks donors from coast to coast to coast for an overwhelming response to its annual fundraising effort, expected to total more than $165,000, representing a 9% increase over last year.
“From the beginning of the pandemic we knew we must continue to do everything in our power to financially support parishes and faith communities across the country,” says Judy Rois, Executive Director, Anglican Foundation of Canada. “We acknowledged the difficulties people might be facing and asked those of our donors who were able to give to continue to do so. We asked those who were in a position to give a little bit more to give as they felt called.”
The result was an unprecedented outpouring of support. “I am overwhelmed by how our donor community came together,” says Rois, “and in spite of the challenges we will continue to face in 2021, it gives me courage and hope that with the strength of our supporters, AFC will be able to fund ministry that matters throughout this global health crisis and beyond.”
While AFC’s 2020 grant disbursements were lower than in previous years, due to a conservative approach taken during a volatile and uncertain financial environment, Rois says AFC’s ability to fund for impact notwithstanding the economic disruption is owing to “more than six decades of generosity: past and present.”
“In 2020, more than any other year, I have seen the power of legacy in action,” says Rois, “In addition to those who gave generously this year, people who are no longer with us were still with us in spirit, helping AFC to carry out its mission, investing over $550,000 across the Canadian church through grants to more than 130 applicants.”
Canon Rois, who served in parish ministry before being appointed as Executive Director of AFC in 2010, has a message of hope for churches who find themselves struggling financially in the wake of COVID-19. “Many churches will be tempted to turn to survival mode in the months ahead,” she says. “Some may even put community-focused ministry and mission on hold.” Rois says AFC wants to continue to do its part to prevent this from happening.
“Every gift we have received this year has reminded me of the richness of God’s economy,” says Rois, “and every gift, of every size, has reminded me that with a spirit of generosity and continued creativity, Canadian Anglicans, working through this Foundation, can still mobilize to meet many of the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of people in our communities.”
Highlights of the projects funded during the May and November granting cycles:
- a furniture bank that provides gently used furniture for people in need
- an affordable housing project
- a homework club
- solar power generation grid
- a garden of remembrance
- online psalms for public and private worship
- the revitalization of Indigenous languages project
- a digital classroom
- installation of solar panels on church buildings
- urban farming to assist those with issues of food insecurity
- online reconciliation modules
- accessibility installations
- building modernization
- $50,000 to 20 proposals addressing the crisis of climate change