Family Giving Centre Funding Coordinator, St. Thomas Anglican Church
Thunder Bay, Ontario
Diocese of Algoma
The Anglican Foundation’s three-year financial support to the St. Thomas Anglican Church Family Giving Centre minimized our fund raising efforts and allowed us to invest more time and effort into fulfilling our mission of providing help to those in need. Without financial support from the Foundation, the Centre would not have been able to pursue its mission of providing free basic essentials such as food, clothing, housewares, bedding and linen, toys and books, pet food and grub tubs for snacks at local schools. The funding also allowed us to purchase new dishes, a barbeque, and a dishwasher for our free community luncheons that are provided twice per month. We have received very positive feedback on the services, benefits and opportunities that the grant has allowed us to provide to our numerous clients throughout our community. Thank you, AFC!