Accessibility projects dominate as AFC Board approves $245,000 in grants to 32 applicants
The Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) Board of Directors met in Halifax, Nova Scotia on May 17–18, 2023, and approved $245,000 in grants to 32 applicants in 19 Dioceses, bringing the 2023 grants total to date to $328,000.
“All grant applicants were approved, unanimously,” says Dr. Scott Brubacher, Executive Director, AFC, “and loans totaling $182,000 were offered to applicants who requested additional financial support.”
Brubacher says the Board and the Grants Committee commented on the size and scope of many of the projects. “This has been our most robust grant cycle for infrastructure projects since prior to the COVID-19 Pandemic,” says Brubacher. “It’s exciting to see so many ambitious capital accessibility projects coming forward.”
Noteworthy, too, Brubacher says is the new focus on choral scholarships as more parishes see the potential to grow their music programs and make their membership more inter-generational. “Both of the Sacred Music & Liturgical Arts grants this cycle were for choral scholarships,” says Brubacher. “More and more small choirs are experiencing growth and new life thanks to these grants through the A.E.J. Fulford Trust.”
Grants approved in the 2nd quarter granting cycle include:
- Emily’s House/Phillip Aziz Centre for Hospice Care, Toronto, ON (Diocese of Toronto), 10 Year Hospital Bed Replacement for Children’s Hospice, $15,000
- St. Paul’s Anglican Church, Churchill, MB (Diocese of Brandon), Basement Restoration, $10,000
- Diocese of Caledonia, Smithers, BC, Camp Caledonia Hot Water Tanks, $5,000
- Holy Nativity Anglican Church, Calgary, AB (Diocese of Calgary), Heating & Ventilation Renewal, $10,000
- St. Stephen’s Anglican Church, Calgary, AB (Diocese of Calgary), Open Doors 2, $10,000
- St. Luke’s Anglican Church, Newton, NL (Diocese of Central Newfoundland), Church Exterior Restoration, $10,000
- St. John’s (Stone) Church, Saint John, NB (Diocese of Fredericton), Stone Conservation Project, $10,000
- St. Simon’s and St. Bartholomew’s Anglican Church, Laval, QC (Diocese of Montreal), Roof Replacement, $10,000
- St. Michael’s Anglican Church, Surrey, BC (Diocese of New Westminster), Ramp Replacement, $15,000
- St. James Anglican Church, Dundas, ON (Diocese of Niagara), Heat Pumps Installation for cooling church offices and parlour, $5,000
- Trinity Anglican Church, Digby, NS (Diocese of Nova Scotia & PEI), Magnificent Dreams – Improved Accessibility, $10,000
- Parish of St. Margaret of Scotland, Halifax, NS (Diocese of Nova Scotia & PEI), Accessible Bathroom Project, $5,800
- St. Lawrence Church, Brockville, ON (Diocese of Ontario), St. Lawrence Accessibility Project, $15,000
- St. Mark’s Church, Barriefield, Kingston, ON (Diocese of Ontario), Essential Repairs to Church Tower, $10,000
- St. James Anglican Church, Kingston, ON (Diocese of Ontario), Rehabilitation of St. James Nave below-grade foundation walls, $10,000
- Gaspe Deanery, New Carlisle, QC (Diocese of Quebec), Restoration for the Reopening of Camp Fort Haldimand, $13,000
- Yukon Church Heritage Society/Old Log Church Museum, Whitehorse, YT (Diocese of Yukon), Old Log Church & Rectory Window Restoration, $9,000
- Diocese of British Columbia – Aboriginal Neighbours, Victoria, BC (Diocese of British Columbia), Revitalization of Indigenous Living Languages, $15,000
- Saint Barnabas’ Anglican Church, Saint Lambert, QC (Diocese of Montreal), Choral Scholarships, $7,950
- Christ Church, Shelburne, NS, (Diocese of Nova Scotia & PEI), Choral Scholarships, $6,400
- General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada, Toronto, ON (National Partner Organization), Partners in Mission: Essays in appreciation of Ellie Johnson, $7,000
- Diocese of Qu’Appelle, Regina, SK (Diocese of Qu’Appelle), Restructure Diocese of Qu’Appelle, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, $5,000
- St. Clement’s College of Preaching, Toronto, ON (Diocese of Toronto), $2,500
Bursaries for Theological Education (Total $20,000)
- Adam Bedford, Calgary, AB (Diocese of Calgary)
- The Rev. Dale Nikkel, Dorchester, ON (Diocese of Huron)
- The Rev. Montegomery Tugwete, Burnaby BC (Diocese of New Westminster)
- Virginia Hooper, Abbotsford, BC (Diocese of New Westminster)
- Sarah Griffin, Toronto, ON (Diocese of Nova Scotia & PEI)
- Michael MacKenzie, Sherbrooke, NS (Diocese of Nova Scotia & PEI)
- The Ven. Manzongo, Naboth, Dryden, ON (Diocese of Rupert’s Land)
- The Rev. Matteo Carboni, Humboldt, SK (Diocese of Saskatoon)
The next grant application deadline is July 1. For more information on AFC’s new grant categories or to apply for an AFC grant, visit