AFC Board approves grants, authorizes $100,000 RFP, and increases grants quota
The Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) Board of Directors met by ZOOM on Thursday, February 23 to approve $63,800 in funding to 5 applicants. “These approvals marked the beginning of the Foundation’s transition to a quarterly grants cycle,” says Dr. Scott Brubacher, Executive Director. “Given that we just introduced the January 1 application deadline this past November, the Board was very pleased to see five excellent applications come forward, and all of them were approved.”
Included in this round was a $15,000 grant to Church of the Holy Trinity in Toronto to help expand the much-needed Unity Kitchen Street Level Hub. This partnership-based outreach project grew out of the pandemic but continues to play an important role in poverty reduction and food security provision in Toronto’s Downtown East.
Other grants approved this cycle include:
- Diocese of Algoma, Sault Ste. Marie, ON—ReStorying the Church, $8,350
- Diocese of Brandon, Assiniboine Valley Parish Council, Carberry, MB—Rectory Repairs, $10,450
- Diocese of Toronto, St. Peter’s Church, Cobourg, ON—Bell Tower Repair & Restoration Project, $15,000
- General Synod of the Anglican Church of Canada, Department of Global Relations—The Fifth Gospel: Sacred Story, Sacred Land (video series), $15,000
In addition to approving the January 1 round of grants, the Board also authorized the issuing of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for 2023 for up to $100,000. “Since 2014 AFC’s RFPs have grown in size and impact,” says Brubacher. “We are looking forward to announcing the focus of the 2023 RFP this spring which will align with the Let There be Greening theme and spirit of Assembly 2023.”
The Board also approved some additional changes to the grants program, which will allow for a quota of 4 applications per year from each diocese—up from 3—with a maximum of 3 for Diverse Infrastructure. “It is hoped that increasing the quota of applications with this stipulation will also increase the numbers of applications we see in our other grant impact zones,” says Brubacher. “We hope more and more dioceses and parishes will come to see the Foundation as a collaborative partner in equipping communities for diverse, innovative, and transformative ministry.”
For more information on AFC’s new grant categories or to apply for an AFC grant, visit or sign up to attend an upcoming Grants Program Webinar.