Deadline Extended!

2024 RFP “Ecumenical Embrace” Funding Available to April 1!

The submission deadline for the 2024 Request for Proposals (RFP) “Ecumenical Embrace” has been extended to April 1, 2025! AFC will continue to consider project applications from Anglicans across Canada who wish to share an ecumenical embrace with our fellow Christians from the Oriental Orthodox Churches. Here are two successful projects from the 2024 funding cycle:

South Asian Christianity–Ecumenical Engagement: $5,000

Trinity College Faculty of Divinity, Toronto, ON (Diocese of Toronto)

“Thank you for the grant for our South Asian Christianity–Ecumenical Engagement project which will be led by faculty and staff within the Faculty of Divinity of Trinity College in partnership with alumni and local church communities and leaders. We look forward to a range of lectures, presentations, and events over the calendar year 2025 that will help to educate both Anglicans and Orthodox at Trinity College and in local church communities about the important and ongoing legacy of south Asian Christianity. We also hope to ensure that the pathway to theological education and ministry formation at Trinity College is made more welcoming and hospitable.”

The Very Rev. Dr. Geoffrey Ready, Director, Orthodox Christian Studies, Trinity College, University of Toronto

Icons and Hymns in the Anglican and Syrian Orthodox Traditions: $4,000

St. George’s Anglican Church, Lennoxville, QC (Diocese of Quebec)

“Thank you for the grant that will allow us to bring together the congregations of St. George’s Anglican Church and St. Ephrem’s Syrian Orthodox Church for a sharing of our musical and artistic traditions. With this funding, we will meet with St. Ephrem’s for five sessions to discuss the use of icons in the Orthodox churches and to learn about hymns used in their Divine Liturgy, as we share with them our rich tradition of Anglican hymnody. We have invited speakers from the Anglican and Oriental Orthodox churches, and we will extend an invitation to participate to all members of the Deanery of St. Francis and to local churches in the Eastern Townships of Quebec.”

The Ven. Dr. Edward Simonton, Archdeacon of Quebec

To read more about eligibility visit To chat about a project idea, call 1-877-354-6387 or email [email protected].