Say Yes! to Kids and Dance!

Fierce but friendly competition at Niagara church to drive fundraising goal

Phyllis Jackson, Peoples Warden at All Saints (Dain City), Welland, in the Diocese of Niagara is stepping boldly into the fierce but friendly competition among the church’s four-member Say Yes! to Kids fundraising team.

Shari Hopkins (left front), Wendy Scott (left rear), Kim Eros (right rear) & Phyllis Jackson (right front)

Jackson, a long-time line-dancing enthusiast and instructor will use the proceeds from her weekly class to reach her $500 Say Yes! to Kids fundraising goal. This will be her first opportunity to teach a group class at the church since the onset of the pandemic. “Mine are beginners’ classes,” says Jackson. “I teach all ages and all sizes. Some have medical or hip issues. But we still dance. I make it as easy as I can…It’s nothing but fun!”

Indeed “Fun” is the over-arching theme for the team at All Saints as the women are raising money to host the church’s first-ever Family Fun Day which is scheduled for Saturday, July 9.

Not one to be caught on the back foot is Rector’s Warden, and fellow teammate, Wendy Scott. Currently, Scott is in the lead, closing in on the halfway point of her $500 goal. Scott has already received two gifts from local businesses who are keen to see the Family Fun Day happen. “Corporate sponsorship is my master strategy,” says Scott.

The team at All Saints is very tongue-in-cheek about the competition. There are only winners in this Say Yes! to Kids effort. “The Church is the only organization that does not exist for itself, but for those who live outside of it,” reminds Scott. “This Family Fun Day will signal to our community that All Saints is a safe, welcoming, and inviting place. With God’s grace, and the generosity of our parishioners, friends, and sponsors we can show every young person in our midst that they are connected to a church that truly cares.”

For more information on how to participate in Say Yes! to Kids or to view the current roster of teams visit or email Michelle Hauser at [email protected].