Secretary of Synod and Director of Administration
Hamilton, Ontario
Diocesan Representative for Niagara
Time and again, I have witnessed the Anglican Foundation come alongside the infrastructure needs of our parishes in Niagara, particularly when it comes to accessibility improvements. In doing so, parish leaders are able to draw their circle of ministry wider and be liberated to focus on responding to God’s mission in the communities they serve in a way that so often wouldn’t be possible without a grant from the Foundation.
The Anglican Foundation has also supported our baptismal call to strive for justice and peace through its steadfast support of the many justice camps that have been organized across Canada and beyond. In doing so, AFC has equipped countless lay and ordained leaders to prophetically respond to the injustices of our day.
On a personal level, the bursary AFC provided for my education made my theological studies possible. Not only did the Foundation’s generosity alleviate some of the financial stress that comes with student debt, but more importantly, its support was a powerful symbol of the wider Church’s affirmation of my vocational discernment.
I am a donor because the Anglican Foundation creatively and concretely supports important initiatives that build up the Anglican Church of Canada from coast to coast to coast.