Executive Archdeacon
Victoria, British Columbia
Diocese of British Columbia
My developing relationship with the Anglican Foundation of Canada began in the mid-1980s when I was elected to serve on Diocesan Council in Calgary. There were many property projects in the Diocese of Calgary made possible because of funding from AFC. I think of this time as my “knowing-about” phase, when over many years I was asked to consider applications to AFC.
I moved to the “knowing” phase, understanding the true significance of AFC’s ministry, when I became a contributor, with a financial stake in the work of the Foundation. As my own financial support has grown, so too has my passion for the particular form of service AFC offers the church. The Anglican Foundation is both a beacon of hope and a unifying force for the Anglican Church of Canada. Our National Church is not able to provide the support for local initiatives that it once did. AFC has stepped into the breach and in the process has galvanized my commitment to our church’s mission and ministry across the country.