Register for Say Yes! to Kids

Registration for the Anglican Foundation of Canada’s (AFC) 5th annual Say Yes! to Kids campaign is now open. The 2025 campaign will launch on Tuesday, April 22 and close on Monday, June 30.

All parishes, dioceses, and organizations seeking to partner with AFC are asked to register by April 1.

Participation will be limited to 30 teams and registration is on a first come first served basis. 

Say Yes! to Kids Registration Form

Say Yes! to Kids Registration Form

Section 1 – Identity of Applicant
Postal Code
Which statement best describes your goal for participating in Say Yes! to Kids?

Briefly describe the youth-centred project you are raising funds for. The SYTK campaign coordinator will use this description to help create your online fundraising portal. 

Maximum file size: 8MB

Required by two signing officers from the parish.

We certify that the appropriate authority has approved the submission of this application.