Donor Benefits

Why donate to the Anglican Foundation?

Giving to the Anglican Foundation is a unique chance to be part of things that really matter to the Canadian church. You can join with other individuals, parishes, and Anglican organizations (such as ACWs) in supporting the work of the Church across Canada. 

You have the potential to:

  • make a significant difference among Canadian Anglicans and people in the wider community
  • learn about innovative ministry and infrastructure initiatives across the country
  • play a tangible role in the advancement and growth of Anglican presence in Canada

As a donor you will receive:

  • recognition in the Annual Report
  • Foundation Update newsletters
  • membership in the Anglican Foundation of Canada

Donor Recognition Circles:

Primate’s Circle
Directors’ Circle

$5000 +

Other benefits of donation

Pay it forward
If you have ever received a grant from the Anglican Foundation, you know first-hand how the generosity of other Anglicans made it possible for you to reach a little further, to imagine more than you could have on your own. That’s the pay-it-forward energy at work. And it feels even better to give it than to receive it. That’s the greatest donor benefit of all!

Share in our vision
Individual and institutional members are invited to share in the governance of the Anglican Foundation by attending and voting at the Annual General Meeting. Individual donors may also be nominated as a Diocesan Representative by their diocese, acting as a liaison with the Foundation and representing their diocese at the Annual General Meeting.