Diocesan Partners & Representatives

The Anglican Foundation works in partnership with dioceses across the country to raise funds, increase awareness of the work of the Foundation, and provide grants and loans for ministry initiatives. As part of its partnership with the Foundation, each diocese is invited to select a Diocesan Representative to promote and support the work of the Foundation. The roles of the Diocesan Representative are to:

  • Share the stories of the Foundation within the diocese to increase awareness and financial support.
  • Act as a liaison with Foundation staff when needed concerning grant applications from within the diocese.
  • Represent the diocese as a voting member at the Foundation’s AGM where possible.

The Diocesan Representative is appointed by the Bishop, with the approval of Diocesan Council, and renewed annually. Candidates for the position should be familiar with and committed to the work of the Foundation, and they should be an annual donor to the Foundation.

Those interested in contributing to the work of the Foundation as a Diocesan Representative are encouraged to contact their Bishop.

Current Diocesan Representatives

Algoma — Anne Wilson
Arctic — The Rev. Francis Delaplain
Brandon — The Rev. Cheryl Kukurudz
British Columbia
Caledonia — Elizabeth Hunt email
Calgary — The Rev. Jacqui Durand email, The Rev. Jennifer Ingram
Central Newfoundland — The Rev. Jeff Blackwood
Eastern Newfoundland and Labrador — The Rev. Canon Amanda Taylor email
Edmonton — The Ven. Sue Oliver
Fredericton — Clyde Spinney email
Huron — Diane Dance email
Mishamikoweesh, Indigenous Spiritual Ministry of
Moosonee — The Rev. Patricia Dorland email
Niagara — Dr. Emily Hill
Nova Scotia & Prince Edward Island — Cynthia Pilichos email
Ontario — The Rev. Canon Dr. Bob Wright email
Ottawa — Sandra Hamway
Qu’Appelle — The Rev. Ed Dunfield email
Quebec — Canon Stephen Kohner email
Rupert’s Land — Canon Gary Russell email
Territory of the People
Toronto — Canon (Lay) Laura Walton email
Western Newfoundland
Yukon — The Rev. Glen Gough email