Say Yes! to Kids 2024

Say Yes! to Kids (SYTK) is an annual fundraising appeal sponsored by the Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC). Launched in 2021, to fund church-led programs and initiatives that support children, youth, and young adults, the Say Yes! to Kids movement has provided more than $755,000 in funding to 150+ beneficiaries and fundraising partners for youth-focused ministry and outreach across the Anglican Church of Canada.

Programs and initiatives have included faith formation, better learning outcomes, diverse enrichment opportunities, improved health and well-being, and restored community connections. See the SYTK Stories page for more!

About the Campaign

Using the fundraising event of their choice—a walk, games day, concert, etc.—and with the mentorship and support of AFC’s fundraising and communications team, parishes use modern fundraising tools to generate financial support for a local youth project or program. Say Yes! to Kids is the most successful P2P campaign in the Anglican Church of Canada.

  • Over the past three campaign cycles, two thirds of the participating fundraising teams reached or exceeded their goals.
  • The remaining third achieved between 50–80% of their goals.
  • All teams have benefited from matching donations.
  • The greatest success has been with local projects in the $5,000 range.
  • In 2022 and 2023, the 20% national share retained by AFC, provided much-needed funding for national Indigenous youth programs.
  • The campaign also includes a Say Yes! to Kids Sunday liturgical resource so that all Anglican churches can participate.

Be part of the SYTK movement!

For more information about the 2025 Say Yes! to Kids campaign, contact Michelle Hauser, AFC’s Development & Communications officer by phone at 1-866-354-6387 or by email at [email protected].