Grow Your Legacy

A Legacy of Faith

Fulford, Garnsworthy, Maguire, Snell… Speak these names in the Anglican church today, and the adjectives flow: frugal, kind, eccentric, warm-hearted, and generous.

At AFC we celebrate the spirit of these visionary benefactors daily as their names are included among the 40 special named trusts and funds we currently administer. Indeed they are the bedrock of an endowment valued at $14 million that continues to drive our granting program to new heights year after year.

From our vantage point at AFC, we see the big picture of these legacies—from one grant cycle to the next we witness the growth of the seeds that were planted so many years ago. While these individuals are no longer with us, their legacy of faith and compassion carries us into the future, with hope and vision, continuing to connect past, present, and future benefactors of the church.

I invite you to learn more about some of the legacies endowed to AFC and to prayerfully consider the power and potential of your own legacy. AFC has been the leading legacy partner to Canadian Anglicans for 65 years and I encourage you to reach out to us to see how we might help you plant a seed of your own in service of our beloved church.

Promoting Sacred Music Across the Canadian Church

The A.E.J. Fulford Trust for Sacred Music has been helping musicians, young and old, to imagine more since 1980. To date the fund has awarded nearly $570,000 to encourage, promote, develop, and enrich sacred music in the Anglican Church of Canada.

Organ Study
Luca Simpson-Hall, Gatineau, QC

In 2016, after receiving an A.E.J. Fulford Trust grant for organ study since 2013, Luca Simpson-Hall had this to say about his organ studies: “The first time that I played at church was very stressful: my hands were shaking, and I was struggling to keep my feet on the ledge and not hit the pedals. Since then, it has become less stressful; I am playing more often and have a bigger repertoire. Learning the organ has made everything else I do in music a bit easier. I understand music better. I think that the encouragement of music programs is a great way to get youth involved in the church. I thank the A.E.J. Fulford Trust for the opportunity it has provided to me!”
Choral Scholarships
St. Barnabas Anglican Church, Saint Lambert, QC

“We are grateful to the Foundation for the 2022 grant in support of choral scholarships which will allow music students to learn the basics of working in the sacred music field through experience in a warm and welcoming community,” says Francine Nguyen-Savaria, Co-Director of Music at St. Barnabas. “Scholarships will be a critical step for us in supporting the inclusion of more young singers—giving them an opportunity to learn what cannot always be learned in school, which is making music in a real-world context.”
Organ Study
Ashley Bradley, St. John’s. NL

“As a two-time recipient of an A.E.J. Fulford Trust grant for organ study, I am grateful for AFC’s support for the completion of a Bachelor of Music in Organ Performance from Memorial University of Newfoundland. This is a rare program at one of the country’s most prestigious universities, and I have the privilege of studying under Stephen Candow, director of music and organist at St. Michael and All Angels in St. John’s. I plan to continue my career, ideally, as a cathedral organist, but failing that, as a music teacher, while continuing to develop music ministry at the parish level. Thank you, AFC!” (Ashley Bradley)
Kenneth Maguire Trust

A Legacy of Compassion

In 1996 Kenneth Maguire, 8th Bishop of Montreal (1963–75), entrusted his legacy to AFC. Described by those who knew him as a witty, warm, kind, and generous person who lived frugally and managed his investments, Bishop Maguire had a singular vision for his beneficiaries: that his generosity would benefit them for generations to come. Since the first grant in 2001, the Maguire Trust has disbursed more than $1,645,000 to three beneficiaries:

Caring for Retired Clergy
The Anglican Diocese of Montreal, Montreal, QC

“It has become part of my Christmas practice to include a cheque from the Maguire Trust to our retired clergy, and widows, and to our non-stipendiary clergy of retirement age in my Christmas card to them,” says the Rt. Rev. Mary Irwin-Gibson, Bishop of Montreal.
Caring About Global Partners
Primate's World Relief & Development Fund

According to Will Postma, Executive Director, Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, gifts from the Maguire Trust IN 2020 made it possible for PWRDF to “leverage sixfold funding from the Government of Canada for COVID-19 response programming in four countries in Africa.”
Caring for Those Experiencing Homelessness
LOFT Community Services, Toronto, ON

Heather McDonald, CEO, LOFT Community Services, says Bishop Maguire’s heart for the homeless and marginalized in Toronto lives on. “Funds from the Maguire Trust have been instrumental in the development of LOFT’s Transitional Age Youth program, which provides street-involved youth support with mental health and addictions.”
George and Esther
Snell Trust

Supporting Music, Drama, Literature and More

The George and Esther Snell Trust holds a variety of funds that support Indigenous men and women preparing for ordained ministry in the Anglican Church of Canada; St. Anne’s Church, Toronto, for music, drama, literature and other art forms in a festival, lecture, or exhibition; and the George Snell Lectures, annual funding for lectures on the theme of the Incarnation. The Snell Trust also provides automatic disbursements annually to several beneficiaries, including St. James’ Cathedral and St. Michael and All Angels, in Toronto.

Building Capacity for Food Bank
St. Michael & All Angels, Toronto, ON (Diocese of Toronto)

“We could fill a binder with all that took place in 2020. Top of mind, though, is our gratitude to AFC for helping build capacity for our Beeton Cupboard Food Bank outreach program. Thanks to the legacy of Bishop Snell, we were able to ensure that 75 households per week—a four-fold increase over pre-pandemic numbers—never went away empty-handed. Thank you, AFC!” (The Ven. Paul Feheley, Incumbent)
Lewis S. Garnsworthy Memorial Trust

Supporting Excellence in Preaching

The Lewis S. Garnsworthy Memorial Trust provides bursaries to facilitate studies and workshops in preaching and pastoral care for clergy in the Diocese of Toronto.

Preaching Day
Wycliffe College, Toronto

In 2021 the Lewis S. Garnsworthy Memorial Trust helped to fund “Engaging the Parables of Jesus” for Wycliffe College’s Annual Peaching Day. “Reading the Bible or preaching, we often gravitate towards the Parables of Jesus. These wonderfully rich stories are lively, edifying, and memorable. Yet, it does not take long before we realize that they are not as straightforward as they might seem. Some of the parables are simply confusing even if they are full of imaginative power. Wycliffe College is grateful to AFC, and the memory of Archbishop Lewis S. Garnsworthy, for funding the 2021 Preaching Day and for supporting our efforts to take this important learning event online.”

Your Legacy in Action

Our commitment to you

When you leave a gift to the Anglican Foundation in your Will, you are planting a seed that, with careful tending, will benefit future generations and grow a stronger, healthier, more sustainable church. When you entrust your Legacy Giving to the Anglican Foundation of Canada, we will:

Invest your gift wisely
Legacy gifts endure

AFC is a trusted partner with a long history of safeguarding the resources entrusted to us. We work with a team of investment professionals to ensure the highest level of accountability to our donors and to maximize the scope and impact of your legacy.
Honour Your Wishes
Legacy gifts are donor-centred

AFC has been a leading legacy partner to Canadian Anglicans for 65 years. We will ensure that your legacy is directed to worthwhile projects across the Anglican Church of Canada, according to your wishes.
Ensure your gift has lasting impact
Legacy gifts make a difference

As the foundation for the Anglican Church of Canada, our roots are deep across the Canadian Church. We see the big picture and have unparalleled knowledge of community ministries from coast to coast to coast. No matter your interest—children and youth, sacred arts, theological education and leadership, Indigenous ministries, climate care—we will ensure your legacy makes a difference.
Celebrate your generosity
Legacy gifts inspire others

There is great power in charitable giving through an endowment fund. It is a reflection of your values and a statement to future generations about your foresight, concern, imagination, and vision. We will work with you to share your story and inspire others to make a difference across the Canadian church.

Grow Your Legacy

How will you grow your legacy?

When you entrust your legacy to the Anglican Foundation of Canada, you will become part of something bigger, part of something better. You will connect at a deeper level with other likeminded benefactors across Canada. You will join that group of compassionate, faithful people who have made it a priority to grow a stronger, more sustainable church for future generations.

To find out how you can partner with AFC to plant a seed, and grow your legacy, contact Michelle Hauser, Communications & Development Officer: [email protected], 613-354-6387.