During these unsettling times, we at the Anglican Foundation are aware of how challenging these days are for you, your families and colleagues, your diocese, and the church.
Many of us are appreciative of the countless ways you and your parish communities are reaching out to bring the prayers of the church into people’s homes, and to provide the hope and peace of our faith.
We want you to know that we stand ready to offer whatever help we can during this pandemic. We have extended to loanees the repayment period and suspended interest charges on loans outstanding with AFC. We are looking carefully at our funds under management to have emergency funds available as necessary.
We want you to know that you are in our prayers each day. We are all in this together, and we trust that our thoughts and prayers for one another at this time will provide comfort and reassurance.
On the slider of the AFC website, you will find a link to Dear God: Prayers for young children. These four daily prayers for children and families written by AFC’s Executive Director are available for your use, whatever your age, to pause four times each day to be thankful and to think of others. When the AFC Store on the website re-opens, we would be happy to send you a physical copy of the book.
Clearly, we are having a pause in some of our activities, but we are all working remotely to ensure that the ministry of AFC continues as fulsomely as possible. If we can be of any assistance to you, please feel welcome to contact us at [email protected].