AFC celebrates the benefactors of its named trusts. Their legacies to the church speak of faith and compassion and continue to help Canadian Anglicans imagine more.
AFC’s spring 2021 granting cycle included a Yes! to the Capella Regalis Men & Boys Choir, in Halifax, NS. The $5,000 grant was enabled by the A.E.J. Fulford Trust for sacred music, which has been helping musicians, young and old, to imagine more for nearly fifty years.
“We are grateful to the Foundation for supporting our choral evensong series recording project,” says Nick Halley, Artistic Director. “Capella Regalis offers a rare culture of mentoring through which boys can thrive and develop musical literacy in the tradition of the great cathedral choirs. This is our third grant from the A.E.J. Fulford Trust, and we are especially grateful for Ted Fulford’s legacy and his role in helping us to continue to revitalize this method of music training in Canada.”
“Since 1980, AFC has awarded more than $530,000 from the fund to encourage, promote, develop, and enrich sacred music in the Anglican Church of Canada,” says the Rev. Canon Dr. Judy Rois. “During my time with the Foundation many of these grants have supported choir schools, fueling the excellence and commitment of conductors and teachers as they offer a life-changing opportunity to young students.”
Through the years, the Fulford trust has been instrumental in supporting bursaries for young people to take part in summer choir camps. “There are choristers for whom it would be completely impossible to attend choir camp were it not for the assistance of the A.E.J. Fulford Trust,” says Tony Browning, Director, Toronto Diocesan Choir School and a longstanding recipient of Fulford Trust grants. “The generosity which arose from Mr. Fulford’s desire to foster musical education and training in Canada, allows us to offer many girls a summer camp experience and concentrated musical training to families that otherwise could not afford it.”
The Anglican Foundation will be accepting a second round of 2021 applications to the A.E.J. Fulford Trust, with an application deadline of September 1. Visit for more information.