AFC Awards Grants for Green-themed Ministries
Canadian Anglicans put on their green-coloured glasses in 2023 and responded passionately and creatively to the Anglican Foundation of Canada’s (AFC) Request for Proposals (RFP) under the theme: Viriditas—God’s Greening Power.
“We received a number of applications, and in the end the Board provided $75,500 in funding to eleven projects in ten dioceses,” says Dr. Scott Brubacher, AFC’s Executive Director. “The initiatives showed incredible diversity in terms of ministry impact and reflected the goals of the RFP, which were to emphasize creation care—but also the broader theme of newness, of God’s greening or regenerative power at work in the church.”
Approved projects include:
Free Music Literacy Course: $15,000, Capella Regalis Choirs, Halifax, NS (Diocese of NS&PEI)
“Our free, online music literacy course will aid churches, choirs, community groups and individuals across Canada on their musical journeys by unlocking the language of music.” Vanessa Halley, Executive Director
Niagara Communion Forest: $7,500, Climate Justice Niagara, Hamilton, ON (Diocese of Niagara)
“Through this grant, Climate Justice Niagara will assist parishes with tree inventories to assess their properties for planting and participating in this global initiative of hope and renewal.” Deirdre Pike, Justice and Outreach, Program Consultant
Community Garden: $5,000, St. Paul’s, Rothesay, NB (Diocese of Fredericton)
“We are thrilled that we have been awarded an RFP. This gardening project will be for our seniors, our parishioners, children of the after-school program and the community at large.” Pam Iype, St. Paul’s
Community Contemplation Garden: $4,000, St. Hildegard’s Sanctuary, Vancouver, BC (Diocese of New Westminster)
“The garden will expand the contemplative practice of the church community, and add beauty, vitality, and spiritual succor to the broader community who seek outdoor spaces for social connection and respite.” The Rev’d Melanie Calabrigo, Gathering Priest
Food Programming and the Multi-Faith Chaplaincy at University: $5,000, St. Alban’s, Ottawa, ON (Diocese of Ottawa)
“Thank you for supporting our work to feed the hungry in our neighbourhood and take first steps towards addressing the issue of student poverty and food insecurity at the University of Ottawa.” The Rev. Michael Garner
St. Philip’s Garden of Hope: $4,000, St. Philip by the Sea, Lantzville, BC (Diocese of Islands and Inlets)
“The very welcome grant from the Anglican Foundation will allow us to make the view of the church building more visible and welcoming to the community.” Maureen Lawrence
Community Raised Garden Bed: $5,000 , St. George’s Anglican Church, Moncton, NB (Diocese of Fredericton)
“We are excited about connecting people of all walks of life, teaching those who are interested about the wonder of God’s Creation, and encouraging community partnerships in downtown Moncton.” The Rev. Chris VanBuskirk
Wild Lectionary Blog: $15,000, Salal + Cedar, Vancouver, BC (Diocese of New Westminster)
“Salal + Cedar is incredibly pleased to have been awarded an RFP. This will allow us to expand our climate-focused lectionary project into a resource for churches to use all year.” The Rev. Laurel Dykstra
Origin Story–Letting Youth Voices be Heard: $5,000, St. Mary Magdalene Anglican Church, Napanee, ON (Diocese of Ontario)
“Funding for the debut album of our Young People’s Recording Studio will be a game-changer for the church’s arts outreach, helping us to take our ‘no regrets policy’ of investing in young people to the next level.” Chris Yeomans, Churchwarden
Viriditas is AFC’s 8th RFP since 2014 and brings the total of this special annual funding stream to more than $840,000. Most of these projects have been community-centred and have encouraged bold and innovative undertakings that might not otherwise happen. The 2024 RFP theme will be announced in the spring.
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