Name your passion, grow your legacy
The philanthropic movement that formed the bedrock of the Anglican Foundation of Canada’s (AFC) $15 million endowment is now growing across the country. According to the Canadian Association of Gift Planners (CAGP), as of 2023 over 3 million Canadians have left a gift in their Will to charity.
These legacies vary in size and do not come exclusively from wealthy philanthropists. The thread that unites them all, however, is a passion to make a big difference—which we at AFC celebrate everyday with the more than 40 named trusts and legacy gifts that AFC now administers.
Whether motivated by their love for sacred music, belief in the value of leadership and education, a vision to reduce poverty, or a desire to support the Indigenous church, an increasing number of Canadian Anglicans are partnering with AFC to achieve their philanthropic goals.
That this trend in “spiritual Wills,” or what many now refer to as “ethical Wills,” has surged in the past few years, is no surprise. With so much change and upheaval here at home and around the world, Canadians are looking for meaningful ways to make a difference.
This year, AFC is partnering with Will Power, a national campaign of the CAGP that educates Canadians about the power of leaving a charitable gift in their Will. One of the tools that has been developed is the Will Power Legacy Calculator. It lets you see for yourself what even 1% of your estate can do.
For those Canadian Anglicans who want to continue to support their church—locally, regionally, nationally, and beyond—the Will Power movement presents an excellent opportunity to access helpful tools that show us how to grow a powerful legacy while still providing for our loved ones.
If you would like more information on how to make AFC part of your estate plans—and the impact zones where your legacy can make a big difference—please feel free to contact Michelle Hauser, AFC’s Development and Communications Officer at [email protected] or by phone at 613-354-6387.
You can also download our Case for Support to learn more about our efforts to enable connection, foster innovation, steward resources, and connect generous donors to their philanthropic goals.
Please visit the other Will Power partners from across the Anglican Church of Canada: