November 2023

New Fund Approved

“The Foundation seeks to be a leader in funding transformational ministry,” says Scott Brubacher. “Fulfilling that objective demands that we grow a culture of abundance, supporting those churches that are reaching beyond their walls. Whether in a rural village, a small town, or a major urban centre, virtually every Anglican church is situated in the heart of a community that has needs, if we open our hearts to the call. AFC’s Community Ministries Fund seeks to build the church’s capacity to respond to these needs.”

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Hollyer House

“Hollyer house is named in honor of John Hollyer, a parishioner who would routinely take people off the streets and give them what he called a hand up,” says the Ven. Katherine Otley. “It didn’t always work but that never stopped him trying.” Hollyer left his estate to the church, and his gift funded the feasibility study that set the church on a path to a major redevelopment of the site of its underutilized rectory.

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Membership Matters

The benefits of membership include receipt of AFC’s print and online newsletters which ensure that members are always in the know about new funding opportunities. Through regular grant recipient profiles, our members also learn about exciting projects happening across the Anglican Church of Canada, which feeds the sense of hope and possibility our church needs today more than ever: if it worked for them, maybe it can work for us!

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