AFC Board to meet
“Our ZOOM meetings throughout the pandemic have been extremely productive,” says Dr. Scott Brubacher, Executive Director. “But welcoming some of our Directors back to Toronto feels like a meaningful step toward pandemic recovery.”
“Our ZOOM meetings throughout the pandemic have been extremely productive,” says Dr. Scott Brubacher, Executive Director. “But welcoming some of our Directors back to Toronto feels like a meaningful step toward pandemic recovery.”
“We are deeply moved by this $5,000 gift. The overwhelming response to our fall RFP—more than 80 applicants requesting more than $500,000 in funding—left us with a funding gap that gets a little narrower each day thanks to the philanthropic leadership of Canadian Anglicans.”
When he joined AFC in 2016 as Executive Administrator, Dr. Scott Brubacher says, “Change was in the air.” The Foundation was at the mid-point of a 10-year strategic planning effort. “So many of our plans for the future were rallied around making ministry happen through change-oriented investments.”
An inspired vision that began more than a decade ago is finally becoming a reality at St. Cuthbert’s Anglican Church, Toronto, as the first phase of work on the Bayview Garden project began last week. “This is lovely for our church,” says Ian Beverley, Deputy People’s Warden, and project lead. “St. Cuthbert’s was built in the pastoral care model, and there has long been an interest in trying to make the church more welcoming and open.
“We have to mean it,” insisted the boy. “We have to welcome everyone!” Church signs tend to provoke a response, and this one—The Anglican Church Welcomes You—ignited a sense of urgency in my young friend. For him, the sign was a call to action: for the church to live up to the slogan and cast a wide, all-inclusive net.
The Anglican Foundation of Canada has received an unprecedented wave of applications from across Canada in response to the Say Yes! to Kids Request for Proposals. “In the history of AFC, we have never seen anything like this kind of energy around a grant cycle,” says the Rev. Canon Dr. Judy Rois, Executive Director. “We asked people to imagine more for children and youth in a post-pandemic world, and that is exactly what they did!”
The Board of Directors of the Anglican Foundation of Canada (AFC) is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr. Scott Brubacher to the position of Executive Director beginning October 18, 2021. Dr. Brubacher will succeed the Rev. Canon Dr. Judy Rois who retires on October 15, 2021.
The third time proved to be a charm on Saturday, September 18, as parishioners at St. John-in-the Wilderness, Bright’s Grove, dedicated their Wilderness Pollinator Garden and Beehives project, completed in summer 2020. The morning celebration, twice thwarted by COVID-19 lockdowns, “finally aligned,” says Peter Langille, warden, and was met by feelings of “relief and reward.”
In a certain churchyard in the Diocese of New Westminster, there stands an extremely busy hall that—according to structural engineers—must be liberated from three layers of deteriorating shingles before it can hope to keep the community who depends on it comfortable and dry. “Our hope is that this year we won’t have to have buckets catching rainwater during our Christmas Day meal.”
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